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Sightseeing Guide
The beautiful Western-style building in Tsuruoka Park is Taihokan.
Taihokan is a building built in 1915 to commemorate the coronation of Emperor Taisho, and is open on November 10th, the day of Emperor Taisho's coronation. The two-story wooden building is not a single style, but the windows are Dutch Baroque style, and the dome-shaped roof is a mixture of Renaissance style and style, and it is said to be a pseudo-Western style building from a building that resembles Western style. Since Tsuruoka Park, where the building is located, was the site of Tsuruoka Castle, the park is surrounded by a moat-like waterway, and there is the Taihokan in front of it, so you can take a superb view photo of the moat and the building in collaboration. I recommend it because you can do it. In addition, the white exterior of the wall and the vermilion dome-shaped roof look beautiful and noble, so you can take a superb view of the building as a single unit. When you actually visit, you will cross the bridge from the front door, but you can feel like you are a nobleman because of the good situation, and you can have an unrealistic experience.
The Taihokan was used as a product display hall when it first opened, but after the war it was used as a library in Tsuruoka City. However, since the library was relocated in 1985, it is now a facility that introduces the achievements of the local people.

Traffic Access
Tsuruoka Station
  JR Uetsu Line

Route from Tsuruoka Station
Route from TsuruokaIC

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Tsuruoka City Fujisawa Shuhei Memorial Hall

Shonai Shrine

Tsuruoka Park

Kyukazama Jyutaku HEISHINDOU

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